When projects get rolling and eventually when the team is in crunch time, there is a strong need to keep the PM/BAs/Developers all on the same page. To that end, here is what we do:
- Morning and Evening Check-Ins:
- Review the open issues/bugs/next steps
- Schedule the day of bug fixing, testing and any other analysis work needed
- Detailed Status Emails (after each check-in):
- Yesterday Review: [DATE]
- [MODULE Name 1]
- [Bugs/Fixes/Updates listed out]
- [MODULE Name 2]
- [Bugs/Fixes/Updates listed out]
- [MODULE Name 1]
- Todays’ Most Important Tasks: [DATE]
- [MODULE Name 1]
- [Bugs/Fixes/Updates listed out]
- [MODULE Name 2]
- [Bugs/Fixes/Updates listed out]
- [MODULE Name 1]
- This Week
- Monday, MM/DD:
- [Likely Task/Goal/Milestone]
- Tuesday, MM/DD
- [Likely Task/Goal/Milestone]
- Wednesday, MM/DD
- [Likely Task/Goal/Milestone]
- Thursday, MM/DD
- [Likely Task/Goal/Milestone]
- Friday, MM/DD
- [Likely Task/Goal/Milestone]
- Monday, MM/DD:
- Milestone 1 by MM/DD
- Milestone 2 by MM/DD
- Future Release Planning/Backlog
- Note: Items added to Smartsheets backlog here.
- [Module 1] Backlog
- [Module 2] Backlog
- Yesterday Review: [DATE]
Also published on Medium.